Next Scheduled Meeting

January 30th, 2024

Our next  meeting  is February 7th 2024 at  7:00 pm 

Location: Groomer Building

An Agenda will be posted on the Home page.

Once you see the agenda, if  you questions please call me at 295-4322

Check the home page for the agenda & more.





January 29th, 2024


Friday February 16th is the classroom session at the DSTAR barn in Libby at 7 pm

Saturday February 17th is the hands-on session at the Keeler shelter be there at 9:30 am

The club will provide chili, hot dogs, hot chocolate, desert & snacks. +

pictures from our 2020 training



Grooming Schedule 2023-24

January 29th, 2024

Grooming will start when  sufficient snow is on the ground, not before Dec.1  Keeler,   Spread, Whitetail.  Pete  Creek. With our 2  groomers, this should improve the quality of these groomed routes.

KEELER: has been groomed 3 times




The North/Beetle Creek route will no longer be groomed, but is still an open route connecting Spread & Pete Creek.

Before going into to the backcountry to ride and play check the conditions at

The NEW Bridge is in place, allows access to Cheer & Spruce.



2023-24 Club Rides to follow when set

June 12th, 2023


Our first club ride to Spruce Lakes, on Saturday February 12th. was a success, attended by 15 riders who played on the lake, cooked smokies on the fire, and visited on a great day.

pictures of the ride to follow soon.

Our next ride was March 19th, to Hawkins lake.  pictures to be posted soon

Pictures from the March 13th 2021 club ride to Buckhorn.

Pictures from our Feb 27th 2021 ride to Spruce Lakes.

pictures from our February 15th. 2020 ride to Spruce Lakes

Ride to the border 2018



End of year ride 2023

April 19th, 2023

The final ride for this season, the S & M ride is May 6th. Meet at the shelter around 11am,  leave the unloading location by  10am. Hope to see you there it’ll be a blast.

Depending on the snowmelt, unloading could be an issue depending how far we can drive up the road. (looks like the pipes is the best place to park.)



December 1st, 2022

A trail pass is required for groomed trails. The cost is $20 for 2 years. For out of state riders, the yearly fee is $35, no trail pass required. THERE IS NO GRACE PERIOD.  You will receive a ticket for non- compliance… Available in Troy at the Booze & Bait, the Yaak Mercantile, The Snowmobile dealers in Libby, or on line at the Montana Fish Wildlife & Parks site

Second Groomer

November 18th, 2022

A 2004 PB 200 is our second groomer and is scheduled for the Keeler Routes. the 91 240 will be used on the Yaak area trails.

The 2022 Troy High School $500 dollar contribution to the Senior graduation party has been sent.

March 9th, 2022

As Avalanche Advisory information is available, it will be updated by the Idaho Panhandle Avalanche forecasting.

November 29th, 2020


Before going into to the backcountry to ride and play check the conditions at




November 5th, 2018

Keeler Trail Changes: The USFS IPNF, has removed the gate and placed 3 foot boulders where the gate was on the Keeler Trail just past the saddle (in Idaho) Use the bypass located just before the gate area till we have 5 ft. of snow . Beyond the gate, the USFS has attempted to return the terrain to a natural state.

Caution: as a result, obstacles have been inserted into what was a road. use caution when trying to navigate this area. It’s best to use a workaround on the up hill side when snow conditions are not sufficient to adequately cover these boulders…