Our next meeting is February 7th 2024 at 7:00 pm
Location: Groomer Building
An Agenda will be posted on the Home page.
Once you see the agenda, if you questions please call me at 295-4322
Check the home page for the agenda & more.
Before going into to the backcountry to ride and play check the conditions at
Keeler Trail Changes: The USFS IPNF, has removed the gate and placed 3 foot boulders where the gate was on the Keeler Trail just past the saddle (in Idaho) Use the bypass located just before the gate area till we have 5 ft. of snow . Beyond the gate, the USFS has attempted to return the terrain to a natural state.
Caution: as a result, obstacles have been inserted into what was a road. use caution when trying to navigate this area. It’s best to use a workaround on the up hill side when snow conditions are not sufficient to adequately cover these boulders…